It seems like yesterday when I used to set up decorations and buy costumes at the store. I was excited for months prior and I could never sleep the night before. It seems like it all faded away now.
Today is Halloween and I would rather do my homework then go out trick-or-treating.I'm not even very excited today. Maybe it is the hint of strep throat I got last night, when I just wore a t-shirt to the football game and had to walk home in the slushy rain. What ever it is it's not right for this time of year, it must be that i've grown up and I have other things to worry about. It really stinks knowing Halloween is not as fun as it used to because it used to be all I had to look forward to after summer ended.
Growing up really sucks, my brother and all his friends are getting older and I got no one around anymore to look up too. They were all the coolest guys too, Mike Corsi was a stocky kid who always talked to me like a little brother. He never had a little brother but he always helped me when i got in a fight with my brother or needed someone when i was sad. Mike Sonkiss mostly treated me like his friend. He wouldn't speak down to me because of my age and he wouldn't ever make fun of me. Jeff Kinsvater was really fun being around, though he never talked to me or acknowledged me as I said hi to him. He was a daredevil, he would do anything you told him. I saw him broke his collarbone a few times. His arms, legs, hips, hands, feet, legs any thing you can imagine hes broke it. I used to always go trick-or-treating them because they were not only my brothers friends but mine and I really will miss them. Though I do talk to them every once in a while its not the same.
Growing up never is fair, because everything you get when your young vanishes. It's all about the new path you make that shapes the later generations. The better it becomes for them, the longer the cycle goes on, and i think since I had such a great first 14 years I have to do the same for later generations and make life as good as possible for them.
I just wish life was as simple as everything used to be, back when I loved Halloween.