There once was a very very special tiger named Alfie. He always walked down to the pond to watch this girl named Suzie. She said it was a restraining order, he said it was love. One day she came to the pond with a boy named Tad. He was very strong and Suzie had been scared lately because she knew Alfie was watching her but she couldn’t do anything about it, until now of course. Alfie came down the pond and began watching her like every day.
She was eating a sandwich and Tad was walking around the Pond looking for Alfie. He finally found him and Alfie was petrified. He sprinted off but Tad was faster. He grabbed him and started to bite his leg, when Suzie came up she looked into his eyes and ripped his shirt open. Then she ripped his heart out savoring every little piece she ate. The next day they carried on with their lives like nothing happened.
Remember when I said Alfie was a very special tiger? Turns out Alfie can’t die. Though his body is gone he still exists in a ghostly form. So instead of going to the pond he went right too Suzie’s house. He waited in her room until she got home from the pond and once she did, he ripped her eyes out then skinned her Tiger fur off and dipped her in a salt–water tub. Until eventually she came to a painful yet salty death. He then proceeded to baste her in sweet baby ray’s , then he marinated her over night.
Next morning Tad came over to Suzie’s house because she hadn’t called him in a few days and he was worried. On the way through the city Alfie took over the body of a street vendor and cooked her body until it was golden brown. Tad was hungry from the walk so he bought some Suzie from Alfie not knowing it was Suzie . He ate it and said that was unlike anything he had ever tasted in his life. Alfie then came out of the vendors body and told him he hasn’t tasted it because it was Suzie. Tad in shock, that Alfie was still alive, started crying and puking up chunks of his girlfriend Suzie. Alfie then took over the body of Tad and dug a large hole in the pond, and buried himself in it. Once buried he could not escape. It was one hour from high-tide on the large pond and Tad was there to experience it…literally……
Only one person could have saved him, and I’m pretty sure Alfie wasn’t in the mood to do that……..