A civilian who was hacked up and couldn't do anything to stop it, and had no one to help him.
Last Monday was the Rwandan War and yesterday was our peace conference. There will be another session on Monday because our first has been unsuccessful.
First off President Juvenal Habyarimana was murdered in his plane. We his predecessors have a few people on the inside that have been feeding us information, a mole if you will. We have found out that the M.R.N.D is the culprit, they shot down Juvenal's plane blaming the R.P.F. and Paul Kagame, so it could fuel hate between the Hutu's and Tutsi's to start an even bigger genocide. If their plan worked after the two sides crushed each other. The M.R.N.D would come out of their shell, kill the rest of the remaining Hutu and Tutsi's, and take an evil dictatorship over Rwanda as a new culture.
Off the record i was going to lunch and was talking with one of the M.R.N.D.'s leaders, i simply asked why they did this. But what i received was a death threat to me and my cohorts, she told me straight to my face she was going to kill me. This made this conspiracy a fact and helped me understand this hard truth. I do not understand the motive for taking over Rwanda when we had fine control, and trying to create racial hate. Though their are all these accusations and false statements about the late Juvenal, and how this is all his fault there are always 2 sides to a story and the M.R.N.D. is the problem. Did Juvenal know he would fund the most evil group of all time and was he their leader? Obviously not seeing as how he was killed by them in a plot to take over Rwanda. The United Nations were accomplices in not making this war end. Their resolutions failed seeing as how they entitled themselves to being able to kill and do what ever they want and defend themselves but they wouldn't defend the Rwandans or people stuck in the middle. Basically The UN can do what ever they want in Rwanda and the civilians needed to follow whatever they said. But overall it will take a lot of time to figure out conclusions seeing as how this all wasn't caused by one group. But the true groups we need to put on the spot and make peace with are the UN and the M.R.N.D. it is unfair what they did throughout this war and should be punished at the least.