Photo courtesy of http://chiztina.files.wordpress.com
A is for Art, which can be expressed in any way. Art is not only drawing or painting it is our knowledge and skill at the things around us and what we like to listen to. The Art I enjoy is the art of my musical taste and knowledge. I am not picky of what kind of music I enjoy listening to but I am picky if it’s good or not. I enjoy mostly Indie rock and Alternative, but I am open for some rap and modern rock. I take music as serious as a dancer’s shoes. It is what has molded my personality.
B is for Blue Bill, my favorite duck to shoot. Duck hunting my favorite hobby I have right now and will probably have for a very long time. When a flock of ducks come down from a mile high from the air into your decoys it is a sight that can only be expressed by seeing it live. The excitement I get seeing those black t-shaped figures cup into your decoys, is greater than words. The feelings I get when I shoot 2 down from a flock is amazing.
C is for Cleaning, after the long days of hunting are over the best part is the smell that you get when u cut open a ducks chest and smell the cavity. Though this sounds creepy and is very strange, you know that when you smell this you had a story to tell about the prior hours. Cleaning ducks is not that challenging of a thing to do. It just takes practice and sometimes a nose plug if you got a sensitive sense of smell, and what the heck; a hungry belly helps a little too.
D is for Dentist... My biggest fear. When I hear the word it makes my stomach grumble. The sound of the sharp metal tools that grind on my teeth. The horrible "BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ-ing" noise that the drills make, send shivers down my spine. Pain and agony are little words compared to the suffering I go through as they pick at my gum's. The thought of not getting a balloon and a sticker anymore cause you are too old. But after all the word cavity is the worst of all because it means your coming back, and its going to be even worse.
E is for Erie, my true home. The place i spend my leisure time as I enjoy the Autumn skies and colors. A place where I can forget everything and still remember everything. A true place of relaxation and a place I cannot live without. The Lake that I can use my skills on to get food. My Duck Lake.
F is for Fiddling, a skill I would very much enjoy learning. It has been my dream in life to have a fiddle. I always have thought this. But finally it is soon to come true. My passion for learning to fiddle is soon to be in reach. Just 3 to 5 days shipping and handling and it will be all mine.
G is for Gobstoppers, a candy that’s more than meets the eye. Unlike the Transformers this candy is edible and has a delicious grape outside of rock like texture, but with an inside so chewy it will make your brain melt with confusion. Gobstopper how I love thee, as I eat you after lunch in English class, you make me daydream.
H is for Henry, or another word for a demon. My cat henry was raised as a baby on the streets so he never did like people very much. Though he grew a liking to my immediate family, those who visit must beware. Innocent and plush he looks as you itch his back, but all apart of the plan to him. He will find his time to strike and once he does you may need an ambulance on hand. So get your phones ready and dial 9-1-1 before it is too late.
I is for Inoculation, flu season is on its way and we better get our shots early. But while people get 2 maybe 3 shots for the flu this year. I shall get 1. No swine flu shots for me please, as a kid I have seen too many movies that alter my perspective of reality. So I really don’t wanna try a new shot that has not been tested on humans yet. I am Legend and Resident Evil are enough evidence that I don’t wanna become a zombie so I will take a pass on the not human tested vaccines.
J is for James, my dearest brother. Many words come to mind when I think of my brother, including some not very nice ones, but all siblings get mad at each other sometimes. I will always love him though because he is all I got. He teaches me what is bad and good in life so he is kind of my mentor. It is really nice having a brother because I can learn from when he messes up too, but I guess all I can say is I love you Jimmy.
K is for Kettlecorn, a delicious treat and nickname. It is different from everything like it. It was once a buttery salty snack but felt like he needed a change, because he was different from all his relatives. He was the only true dessert made from his kind. So as a nick name if you call me Kettlecorn ill take it because I enjoy self expression and being different from everyone else, because I am my own person.
L is for Listening, my favorite trait. When I have conversations with people or just talk, I enjoy listening to people more than anything. I really do like hearing what people have to say about things and issues. If you just listen to things you can learn more about them then you would have ever thought.
M is for Mother, whom I love with all my heart. My mom is one of my favorite people to be around. I enjoy watching girls shows with her,(even though they are horrible and have no good acting like in Cast Away) and drinking tea and doing what ever I can to spend time with her because she is my Mommy and I love her more than anything.
N is for Nicotine, the addiction to cancer sticks. I have seen too many people die of lung cancer that it does not even surprise me anymore. Cigarettes to me are as bad as drugs, like heroin, marijuana, and cocaine because it kills just as many people. I am proud to say I have never tried one and I never will.
O is for Orange Juice, a pain to my heart. Once my favorite now my worst enemy. I cannot drink my favorite drink anymore because I drank too much of it. It is really horrible when acid reflux holds you back from drinking the most amazing fruit juice.
P is for Pretzels, a snack so amazing with Kream Mustard from Parmenters Cider Mill, you will be screaming for more, literally.
Q is for Quarters, the coin of champions. The one coin that you can do so much with, you can put it in a gum ball machine and get many different things and you can save them up and get tons of money.
R is for Rabbit Jambalaya. First we shoot ‘em, then we clean ‘em, then we eat ‘em. Nothing better on a cold winters day, then to feast your nose upon the heavenly aroma of Cajun sausage, fresh rabbit, and garden vegetables. All in a liquified delicious chunky soup form.
S is for Stevenson, a new experience for all. Another school year started off on a good note. Good friends, good teachers, good classes, great times.
T is for Tea, the bagged gift from the heavens. The taste of a hot Oolong is more than amazing, it is an amazing blend of mint and a special combination of herbs.
U is for University of Oxford, a possible candidate for my dream college.
V is for Venom, the grand prize winner in my favorite energy drink category.
W is for Water, the producer of my favorite frozen season.
X is for Xylography, the biggest word I know for a hobby so simple. The engraving of wood that I enjoy doing up north on my free time, when I am huddled around the camp fire gorging s’mores.
Y is for Young, an expression used to measure time. Though my age is young, my soul is as old as the earth.
Z is for Zombies, the one thing I enjoy killing on the internet. The internet has been training me for Z-day, it is coming, and I am ready.